Griselda Balmaceda

Full-Stack Developer in the Making

Griselda Balmaceda

Griselda Balmaceda

Welcome to my Personal Website! I am so excited that you are here today and hope you stay to look around!

I am currently a student at Bellevue University completing my Bachelors in Web Development and am wanting to be a Full-Stack Developer.I am a creative individual that loves to see a concept design come to life and believe in building beautiful,responsive and reliable applications.

Below you will find some of my current projects and school repositories.Please feel free to reach out or follow me on any of my social media. If you would just like my resume you can download it by clicking on the document icon!


Brady Ryun Biosite

Check out this cool website I created using Bootstrap!


Check out this application I created with Nodejs!

Pink Blog

This fun site was created with purely HTML/CSS.

Web 231-Javascript

This cool repository holds all my Javascript projects I created while attending Bellevue University

Web 330-Node

This cool repository holds all my Node.js projects I created while attending Bellevue University.

API-Gateway Application

Check out this cool application I deployed to Heroku!

Bob's Computer Repair Shop

A computer shop created with my group memebers from Bellevue University!